Been listening to a poorly modulated signal for an hour. Right between some wide OTH radar (I think?) signals. Man and woman’s voices. Not clear enough to tell a language. Very dramatic, with musical stings, like and old time radio play. Anyone getting this?
0355 Definitely English in places. Getting advertising jingles. Still flummoxed. Also, seems to have meandered up to 6864.
0412 Air freshener commercial. Still meandering signal, under modulated. Could this be broadcast tv audio somehow? In any case, I don’t think it’s a pirate.
0425 English. Sounds like a tv broadcast. Doesn’t match any station that I can pull, but I heard a CBS promo. How am I hearing this on HF?
0438 program ended, judging by the music. Silence, but still a carrier.
0439 audio is back. No kidding though, it sounds like someone is flipping channels.
0445 no more carrier.