I switched my LZ1AQ style Crossed Parallel Loop to passive, removing the pre-amp and replacing it with a transformer to coax feed back to the shack. It connects to an AirSpy HF+ Discovery, which has sufficient sensitivity to pick up even weaker signals. And as you noted with your loop, with a very low noise floor.
Thanks. I DID make one big mistake that I caught last night while reviewing pictures I took, and had to rectify today.... I failed to ground both sides of the braid part of the coax of the loop antenna (as seen in the 2nd pic)... so I brought it down today and fixed that. Had to solder the new connections while on the roof. I didn't take a pic of the correction as the wind started picking up due to the incoming cold front and I just wanted to get it done. I'm glad my wife and youngest son were helping to hold the antenna mast and ladder. Went from 72 to 52 degrees in about 30 minutes flat! Even blew over a chair on our deck.
So, that being all done, I was still getting a little noise that I didn't think I should be getting, especially while the loop is pointed N-S. So I checked all grounds, power supplies (which I did find a linear 120 to 12V power supply, but can't verify that the 12 to 5V isn't a switching supply), and finally the FM trap. Once I took out the Nooelec FM trap, almost all the noise disappeared! Which, is contrary to why I hooked it up in line with my SDR! Why would it do that? Its a passive device. Once removed, all the noise disappeared, but then two nearby FM radio station artifacts reappeared just below the CB band and up around 30 MHz. Mabye I just need a LPF for 30 MHz and below instead? Its a little puzzling.
Anyway, I got WWVB 60 kHz, and after dark the Navy signals around 20kHz, NDB's, 160m traffic including local nets near KC, 80m, 40m all back... though I wasn't expecting much below 1 MHz. Signals on MF are just booming tonight.
Its nice seeing a noise figure around S1 instead of S3-4. Sometimes I can pick up signals that I can hear that I can't even see on the waterfall. Blows me away.
I still plan on building a linear regulated 5V power supply. Problem is, the regulators are rated for 1.5 amps and I need at least 2-3 amps. I'll have to do a little research. I'm just trying to give this SDR a very PURE 5VDC.