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Author Topic: CB: Motor Mouth Maul...  (Read 419 times)

Offline Robot Matrix

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CB: Motor Mouth Maul...
« on: February 04, 2025, 0615 UTC »
I've heard this guy a few times in the last few weeks. On the SDR waterfall, his signal always looks sharp and clean with no splatter as opposed to many others on CB, yet has the sound of a radio DJ with full bass, fidelity, and everything. I've seen him on CH 6 as well as other channels. He always seems pleasant and nice, warm and friendly... and it makes me laugh when I hear him play some jingle. Almost 40 years ago, I never heard anything like this when I got my start in CB before I'd eventually get my ham license. Not much has changed as far as everything sounding like a complete trainwreck on channel 6... except for him. Both yesterday and today I heard him with NO problem, even during what was normally supposed to be a radio blackout when most of the CB band and many others were pretty much dead. Regardless of his antenna setup, there is NO WAY he's only running the legal 4W limit! LOL. I'm guessing the FCC doesn't give 2 sh*ts nowadays.
eQSL: RobotMatrix@proton.me
NESDR Smart V5, Ham It Up upconverter v1.3, WEB-888 SDR, inverted L 20' up, and various other antennas to cover .1-1750MHz.

Offline ThaDood

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Re: CB: Motor Mouth Maul... A CH 28 staple for years.
« Reply #1 on: February 04, 2025, 1636 UTC »
This dude's been a staple on CB CH28 AM for years, but more recently he's been on the Superbowl CH6, and CH11. I've even heard him on the Highway CH19. I've yet to hear him on the LSB channels. My question is, does he actually hear anyone coming back to him, or is he all alligator? I've never been able to work him, and I don't know anyone else who has either. Huh... 
Over the years I have to admit coming up with some no-so good ideas for products. The Skipping Cassette Decks, (In case you missed record skipping.), never took. Water Resistant Lollipops never caught on either, even though you could enjoy those in the rain and in the shower. Then, there's the Anatomically Correct Mrs. Butterworth Syrup Dispenser. (Just guess where the syrup came out of.) Nope, no takers.

Offline Robot Matrix

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Re: CB: Motor Mouth Maul...
« Reply #2 on: February 04, 2025, 2233 UTC »
I don't know if he is actually talking to anyone on 6, but I've heard him on other channels where I could hear both sides of the conversation. I looked up his website and what an antenna!
eQSL: RobotMatrix@proton.me
NESDR Smart V5, Ham It Up upconverter v1.3, WEB-888 SDR, inverted L 20' up, and various other antennas to cover .1-1750MHz.

Offline Robot Matrix

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Re: CB: Motor Mouth Maul... A CH 28 staple for years.
« Reply #3 on: February 06, 2025, 0631 UTC »
This dude's been a staple on CB CH28 AM for years, but more recently he's been on the Superbowl CH6, and CH11. I've even heard him on the Highway CH19. I've yet to hear him on the LSB channels. My question is, does he actually hear anyone coming back to him, or is he all alligator? I've never been able to work him, and I don't know anyone else who has either. Huh...

I can confirm that he IS talking to people on CH 6. He records others talking to him and plays what they sound like back to them. Its like others are competing to drown the other out and see who wins, and he'll play it back to show them who won. Then, he bows out and goes to 28 to just chit chat. I still don't know what he means by "small ball peen hammer".

I'm rusty on my CB lingo from 35 years ago. I remember some stuff like "reading the mail", "back quiet", "breaker, breaker", and whatnot. But I'm not sure about "small ball peen hammer" and "got down, got down". I also heard some CB'er incessantly use the term "duck pond" over and over. He seemed like a jerk. I haven't heard anyone else use this term. He also said "A-A-A-A" a LOT. It made me feel dumb listening to it.

I did hear a guy yesterday who was using a Hermes SDR who had a great signal. His audio was too bassy and not enough mids and highs... not EQ'ed right, but he had the right idea. Obviously he was running some kind of power too. He used some kind of odd bird call recording during his transmissions.

eQSL: RobotMatrix@proton.me
NESDR Smart V5, Ham It Up upconverter v1.3, WEB-888 SDR, inverted L 20' up, and various other antennas to cover .1-1750MHz.

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Re: CB: Motor Mouth Maul...
« Reply #4 on: February 15, 2025, 1632 UTC »
listening to this guy ,he"s coming in  like hes in the next room .Im in Northern ontario Canada.

Offline Magic65

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Re: CB: Motor Mouth Maul...
« Reply #5 on: Today at 15:29 »
Same here in PA, hear him whenever the bands open and when it's closing. Strong signal and very studio sounding audio.
11 meters is a very interesting band to listen too.  ;)

Online Quasar

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Re: CB: Motor Mouth Maul...
« Reply #6 on: Today at 15:53 »
His signal is usually 10-20 over into NYC. He by far is not an alligator. Its a rarity, but when the Prime Minister (Washington state) and he get on its amazing to see the two strongest signals on the band.
All reports given are direct from my station in NYC.
Main toys are a Flex 3000 SDR, Icom 756 Pro II, Drake TR-7, plus other assorted odds & ends.
100 ft random wire (all my city lot allows)
Pse email to @ slo100bw1@aol.com


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