(notes from last night (Sat.) verbatim):
"01 Dec., 0101gmt, 7.375, definitely heard "KBC", so far don't recognize any music...(suppertime)... 0142gmt., talk, no improvement in signal: weak w. shallow, rapid fading... heard mentioning "email" @0144, didn't catch the rest, ahh, I recognize a song by Leslie Gore @ 0146, don't remember exact title, maybe "California Lies" (?) [ok just googled it is Nights] now heard "Coming up on the mighty KBC" @ 0151gmt., off @ 0200gmt."
As always, my respects go out (or maybe Up) to ye olde Propagation Gods. Congratulations to KBC for finally making it to my neck of the wood. Opps, I mean woods!