Carrier on/off intermittently since b4 2353 at S9 at about 6954.6kHz
2359 trace music, then unid 60's song
0002 unid old tune
0005 another old tune
0010 rockabilly track
0014 OM spoken lyric over dreamy mx
0017 off w/o apparent ID
0027 on again with song played at 0014 --- much improved audio! Better mod and I did not note a hum
0030 kindof a Norlins jazz song and abruptly into "Judy In Disguise" at 0032
0035 off
Due to the audio hum and also a distinctive little hook on the freq when the carrier is keyed, I think this may be:,15818.0.htmlThis was also seen testing 11Mar14 2309-2318z on the same freq