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Author Topic: RADIO STAR INTERNATIONAL 6219.1 KHZ APRIL 20, 2014  (Read 1053 times)

Offline Skipmuck

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« on: April 20, 2014, 0151 UTC »
Did a quick Euro search and heard a clear ID at 0138+ UTC by man announcer..."This is Radio Star International"....signal in and out of the noise floor, but another clear ID at 0043 UTC. Announcer's voice is heard, but rest of audio really low in the mix. A new log for me!
QSL's to poorbrookking >at< aol.com are greatly appreciated! All reception and postings using My radio, my antenna, and generally in real time(excluding posting of SSTV pics and recordings).
QTH:Springfield, MA
JRC NRD-515 with 43 meter half wave dipole into MFJ 949E Versa Tuner: also Grove SP-200 & SONY 2010's


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