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Author Topic: New RR (dash) Mojave Desert Hifer beacon information!  (Read 1410 times)

Offline vlfradio

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The new - on air since about 29 April 2014: "RR-dash" beacon on 13562.90 kHz is located in the northern Mojave Desert of Calif. with approx. 10 mW to an inverted-L antenna cut actually for 3.9 MHz.  A series LC tuner matches the beacon xmtr. to the RG-8 antenna feedline, -- the xmtr is employing a  CB-14 (~27.125 MHz) (3rd overtone xtal) into divide-by-two (74HC4024) IC to 2N3904 final.

It runs 24/7 with outages for Dxing...

Kindest thanks for your reports here at HFU!

vlfradio  :)

Reports so far from: NM, AZ, GA, CO, etc. (in the USA) - tnx. and 73 - propagation on 22 meters is amazing - F2, E-skip, etc. - enjoy! vlfradio

HFU Rules - the best beacon info site on Earth - no shite!


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