WWVB would have to be handled differently. ntpd's WWV/H support is via audio and its specific format. WWVB is just different enough to not do it as is. I'd like to have WWVB as well, but that one will wait until WWV is going and after the data is collecting for the WWV ionosphere measurements.
However, someone from 2003 thinks it wouldn't be that hard:
http://lists.ntp.org/pipermail/questions/2003-November/001357.html"The signal is now very similar to the WWV/H demodulator/decoder and
the same algorithms can be used. All you would have to do is change the
seconds state machine table."
"Here's a way to test the idea without building anything. Several
shortwave receivers today can tune 60 kHz with 1-Hz resolution. Wind an
antenna on a ferrite rode maybe with a preamp. Radios I know about have
atrocious low gain at and below the broadcast band. Set the BFO to
produce 100-Hz note and connect your soundcard. Rip off the WWV/H
driver, toss out the 1000-Hz stuff and synchronize directly to the
subcarrier. Weekend project."
Maybe, maybe not. Perhaps some day I'll look at the WWV/H audio source code in ntpd and see how easy it would be to alter it. Any serious mods would probably beyond what I can do.
One of the problems today with WWVB is that there used to be a little receiver called the CMMR-6 that apparently worked fine. However, its been long since discontinued.
Perhaps getting a WWVB radio that supports IRIG audio. But I have a feeling that means $$$.
For even more fun, ntpd also supports demodulating CHU without any more fuss than WWV/H.
Wonder if there's a way to integrate an SDR into the mix so it can listen on multiple freqs at a time, say, 60 kHz, 2.5, 3.33, 5, 7.85, 10, 15, 20, and 25 MHz. It would monitor all of the time freqs and sync to any that are good enough, meanwhile keeping track of signal strength & demodulation quality. Each freq would be its own time source in ntpd. So if all were sync'd, would have 9 sources.
Obviously need custom code to take care of that and something special in ntpd. This just made a long-term project list. Good thing I bought a DSP programming book last year. Will probably start with an SDR monitoring one freq at a time and when it becomes too poor to sync, then it scans for others.
I've had a few clocks around here for many years that sync to WWVB. Three, I think is the current active count (although I thought there was more). Clock radio, mantle clock, and a wristwatch. Wish my SW receivers with the built-in clocks could sync to WWVB, WWV/H, or CHU.