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Author Topic: Irregular dits 6822.0 kHz // 7001.0 kHz 2345z July 27 2014  (Read 1255 times)

Offline Dag

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I heard these irregular dits zerobeat on 6822.0 kHz USB and zerobeat on 7001.0 kHz simultaneously for over 30 minutes - - for the duration of my monitoring,  the characteristics of the signal were consistent with the attached audio.

Attached is a 30 second audio clip recorded on 6822 kHz. There was a very faint MARS voice net up 1 kHz unconnected to the beeps.

« Last Edit: July 28, 2014, 0022 UTC by Dag »
Seminole county, Florida, USA, Earth, Solar System, Universe.Icom 7610 + attic dipole. Black coffee. Ketosis.


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Re: Irregular dits 6822.0 kHz // 7001.0 kHz 2345z July 27 2014
« Reply #1 on: July 28, 2014, 2343 UTC »
I heard the 6822 a few weeks ago. It is there most evenings. I have heard 6822 occasionally turn into short data bursts.


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