I'm hearing a Spanish pop ballad with lady vocalist here at S9, with seemingly non-pesky audio at 0132 UTC tune-in
0135 UTC Another Spanish pop ballad, man singer (I can hear that pesky with the echo in the background, so whatsis? Have we shown the pescadores how to be pirates?
(Maybe this is Portuguese and not Spanish)
0139 UTC Man announcer...mentioned radio, so maybe a rebroadcast of some other station?
0142 UTC Spanish pop tune
(There is a man talking over the song playing at 0146 UTC...don't know if different broadcaster or part of the program....peskies are getting clever I think!

0148 UTC Spanish pop tune
0150 UTC Music stopped for a bit, but the long winded guy was still going strong. A man announcer said a few things over the long winded guy, then started up the music again at 0051 UTC with a pop tune. I'm not certain, but sounds Portuguese...

(If I didn't know any better, I'd say this broadcaster is trying to drown out the long winded guy!)
0202 UTC What a mess now! The long winded guy is running his mouth, another pesky is humming a tune, and Gloria Gaynor with "I Will Survive" is in there too! Hmmm...somebody needs to fish or cut bait here!
Hey, peskie partiers! You need a moderator! Or maybe we need Wolverine to come in and drown y'all out...0213 UTC I've had enough...it's turned into a cacophony of chaos...ummm, thanks for the show and please QSL