Here also with open carrier at 0019 UTC, into Interval Signal at 0020 UTC consisting of the title of the Rolling Stones-You Can't Always Get What You Want" part of the song repeated several times. Man announcer with scary voice at 0021 UTC with ID..."Voice of the Abnormal", then normal sounding announcer followed by a parody of "Got My Mind Set On You"-George Harrison tune.
0028 UTC Song-"I'm a Wanker"
0031 UTC Man announcer with previous songs played and next song..."another English recording....Star Trek ?"
(Signal has been a steady S7 with a fair amount of band noise and some pesky on here using USB)
0035 UTC "Believe It or Forget It....something about some guy named Hondo Cunningham
0036 UTC Monty Python's "Spam" skit
0039 UTC Parody of REM-Stand In the Place Where You Live" (Wierd Al Yankovich)
0042 UTC A skiffle kind of song about Pizza
0043 UTC Man announcer with rundown of last songs played
0044 UTC Some more craziness that defies description!
0047 UTC Song? that started out with dogs howling, then scary deep voiced growling singer...don't know quite what to make of this!
0051 UTC Man announcer with mention of "Food for Thought", rundown of last songs played, "Voice of the Abnormal" Id, then "The abnormality will continue."
0052 UTC Piano tune with man singing some really lame lyrics!
0056 UTC Man announcer ...."Nice little ballad there", followed by "Voice of the Abnormal" ID
0058 UTC Monty Python skit... Mr. Fixit-"how to hit the nail on the head"
0100 UTC Man announcer ID'd last skit, "Voice of the Abnormal...wind things down and go away..."Guy P Falcon?
0101 UTC The Fart Song
0104 UTC Some British gents chatting, then OFF at 0106 UTC
{BRAVO! I needed this craziness after a long weekend of straining through the noise and listening to cassette recordings of pirates today! Nothing like a little Doctor Demento type programming to cap off a great weekend! Thanks for the show and come back again soon!