23:35 just tuned into song In a Gadda Da Vida then abruptly off
23:39 brief AM transmit noise
23:40 - song by Somebody to Love by Jefferson Airplane - Signal a whopping S10+ great audio
23:44 - song Age of Aquarius
23:48 song Live For Today - (My generation 60's and 70's music YEAH)
23:50 song If you're Going to San Francisco............Flower Power
23:54 ID TCS (mentioned flower power)
00:00 song Byrds - 8 Miles High
00:03 song Journey to the Center of Your Mind !!! (what a memory) The Amboy Dukes (with none other than Ted Nugent!) followed by tech problems....
00:07 ID mentioned John Arthur followed by Jefferson Airplane "White Rabbit"
00:10 song Too Much to Dream Last Night
00:13 song Incense Peppermints - Strawberry Alarmclock
Thanks for the GREAT show and memories!