Hello out there,
I am newbie to this forum and hope this kind of posting a mail or request will be allright.
If I see it right my request should go to "Zazzle". It's about the beacon "COMMON AND PRECIOUS".
Would like to ask you kindly to make it possible that my following report will be passed to the owner/operator of this beacon, asking them for a QSL.
DATE : november 23, 2o15 TIME : 1422 - 1440 utc
FREQUENCY : 10.237,8 kcs MODE : cw/A1A
QUALITY : QSA : 4 QRM : nil QRN : 3 QSB : 2 QRK : 4
MY QTH : Krefeld
MY RX : "AR-7o3o" by AOR ANTENNA : "ALA-153o" by WELLBROOK
.................." JO62SK COMMON AND PRECIOUS JO62SK
5W DIPOLE ".................
Dear operator of COMMON AND PRECIOUS sorry to be unable to attach some return postage

Wishing you all the best and always best of propagation conditions !
73 + gd dx
Dieter Pohlmann
P.O.Box 13 06 16
D-47758 Krefeld