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Author Topic: enigma 2000 attitude in "welcome" email  (Read 5324 times)

Offline syfr

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enigma 2000 attitude in "welcome" email
« on: January 13, 2010, 2207 UTC »
I got the attached email in response to a polite request to join the enigma2000 list.  While I understand the need for participation, this response seemed a bit over the top. Is that group the insufferable gang of pr**ks that such a response might lead one to believe, or am I just having a really bad day?

I replied by canceling my request to join.
Respectfully, we are looking for active members, not lurkers, lifters and users; if that is your intention we’d rather you do not join.

You can acquire a fully functional, all traits, newsletter from:


However, if you wish to become a valid and contributing member please send an email, to the stated address below, stating your reasons for wishing to join enclosing details of any number stations you have intercepted over the last seven days.

Please be aware that possession of an amateur radio Call Sign is not an acceptable reason for membership.

Reapplicants please note:  We are not keen to invite past members who take rather than post into Group, especially those removed through inactivity.

We reserve the right to deny membership to any applicant and will do so if your initial approach to us does not meet our requirements. We also remove those who appear not be contributing.

Should you not reply within the next three days your application will be denied.

Thank you for your application to join ENIGMA 2000.

List owner
Kiwsdr x 2. TenTec Paragon/NRD535

Offline outhouse radio

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Re: enigma 2000 attitude in "welcome" email
« Reply #1 on: January 13, 2010, 2235 UTC »
Sound like some real friendly folks  Makes ya want to start your own numbers station doesn't it ?   I LIKE THIS PART---->especially those removed through inactivity  So if you don't hear anything make something up  LOL

Offline syfr

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Re: enigma 2000 attitude in "welcome" email
« Reply #2 on: January 14, 2010, 0007 UTC »
...or, if you're like me and quite interested , but lacking current experience.... "WE DON'T YOU LISTENING AND LEARNING! "
Kiwsdr x 2. TenTec Paragon/NRD535

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Re: enigma 2000 attitude in "welcome" email
« Reply #3 on: January 14, 2010, 1806 UTC »
I used to be a member of that list.  Those guys speak in code in their posts, and I once innocently asked to know what it was they were reporting.  I got BLASTED on the list and told to leave and go find something else to do with my spare time.  I stuck around anyway, hoping to get some additional info.  Then, I asked (in plain english) what happened to E10 (Lincolnshire Poacher) and was blasted again for something I could not understand.

If you don't know the lingo they use, or you can't keep up, they don't want you.  But how do you learn the lingo if they don't teach you??

I think I had a lot to offer the group too, since I was somewhat involved with the transmitter site of a number station long ago.  Screw them!  I'm taking my info to the grave with me now.

Offline outhouse radio

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Re: enigma 2000 attitude in "welcome" email
« Reply #4 on: January 14, 2010, 1835 UTC »
IT'S one of those secret club things   It could be possible they may be worried that someone may know more than they do  And that would ruin the MYSTIQUE of "ENIGMA" -----©  :'(
« Last Edit: January 14, 2010, 1839 UTC by outhouse radio »

Offline syfr

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Re: enigma 2000 attitude in "welcome" email
« Reply #5 on: January 14, 2010, 2300 UTC »
I got a reply from the listowner upon retracting my desire to join. His response was "good, it saves us the effort of unsubscribing you".

To hell with them.
Kiwsdr x 2. TenTec Paragon/NRD535

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Re: enigma 2000 attitude in "welcome" email
« Reply #6 on: January 15, 2010, 0705 UTC »
I just got home from a meeting tonight with a couple friends, one of whom is also retired CIA tech op.  He and I compared stories about some of our covert ops.  he operated many numbers stations from the programming end while I was involved with the RF end.  We spoke for hours (seemed like a few minutes) and compared what we wer each told and how it all came together to create the spook network on the air.  Tons of fun!

And they don't want someone like you or me on their precious list.  SCREW THEM! 

BTW, I'm still not at liberty to divulge a lot of info, but I could still tell them enough to make them drool.  They will never know, will they?

Lima Indigo

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Re: enigma 2000 attitude in "welcome" email
« Reply #7 on: January 15, 2010, 2122 UTC »
One of the few things that I have learned in life is a little mantra that pertains here.
"Those who talk about it the most, do it the least."
In high school, this refers to the guys bragging about their amorous conquests.  Truth is exaggerated (or invented) for the sole purpose of impressing others.  This is what's known as being a poseur.  People who try to talk knowledgeably about things that they don't really do are poseurs, frauds.  People who do things de rigueur do not talk about them.  For example, you drive to work everyday; do you spend a lot of time talking about it?

The Enigma 2000 mailing list is the same way.  Those who talk about it the most, do it the least.  It's a bunch of guys who really wish they were James Bond and have a good time pretending to do spy stuff.  Do real spies talk about all the cool spy stuff that they do?  No they do not; sort of defeats the whole purpose of being a spy.  The Enigma 2000 poseurs are just high school boys bragging about all the girls they (haven't actually) slept with.

Offline outhouse radio

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Re: enigma 2000 attitude in "welcome" email
« Reply #8 on: January 15, 2010, 2254 UTC »
:D L

Offline scagnettie2.0

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I agree
« Reply #9 on: January 16, 2010, 0127 UTC »
I thought I was the only one! I enjoy tinkering with my short wave and particularly numbers stations. I admit I'm very ignorant when it comes anything radio. In fact, in a weird way, it almost makes things more mysterious for me. Weird sounds often remain, well, weird.

I joined that group hoping to learn more about numbers. I found myself overwhelmed and completely baffled. I asked for a task, something simple I could do to contribute and was given a cryptic response along with yet another finger wagging about being inactive.

So, I became inactive.  ;D


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Re: enigma 2000 attitude in "welcome" email
« Reply #10 on: January 16, 2010, 1402 UTC »
FYI, there is a second spy numbers mailing list, the Spooks list:


Not quite as active as the E2K list, but we don't bite :-)
Chris Smolinski
Westminster, MD
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Re: enigma 2000 attitude in "welcome" email
« Reply #11 on: January 16, 2010, 1951 UTC »
  Do real spies talk about all the cool spy stuff that they do? 

Only with each other.  It's like a sort of therapy.  I would never discuss such matters with a 'civilian', but we talk our heads off when we meet up with someone who was involved with some of the same assignments as each other.  I never got to interact with the people on the other end of the program circuit until I met a few long after my contract was over.


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