On abruptly at 2149 UTC with "I Wanna Be a Cowboy"-Boy's Don't Cry
2151 UTC Echo ID?(or was this the intro to the song?, into UNID punk rock song(lyrics "Everybody knows the world is full of stupid people" (Signal is S9 +10 here with superb audio!)
2157 UTC "A Little Too Late"-Pat Benatar
2200 UTC OM with "we will not let them tear it down", into funky pop tune
2204 UTC "Rock Me"?
2208 UTC "Tell Me Something Good"-Rufus (with Chaka Khan)
2212 UTC "Julie"?
2215 UTC OM with "We will not let them tear nothing down", into "Fire in Cairo"-The Cure (Signal dropped a bit to S8 with a slight fade)
2219 UTC "Welcome to the ?"
2225 UTC OM said "You gonna turn off that f**king transmitter"), then OFF

Thanks for the entertainment whoever you are!

Stop by again some time