XFM. Rock crushing +30dB. Interestng layered pgm start. Hitting +40 on peaks. Great audio. Playing Hippity-Hop "AM Radio" song... sounds like "white-bread, blue-eyed soul" Bunny-hop.
Relay, or re-BC of New Years Day txmission. Recap of past year. Rpts to HFU, FRN, Cafe or e-mail. Stickers and hard copy QSL for a listener addy in the report.
This is a Pro. Wide audio. Big power. Converted BC tranny. Playin' DJ demo wax/CDs. Nice snappy patter. Gettin' paid alot less here on FR.
Meg Myers then Chemical Bros. Id into rap 'n' krap.
Neanderthal Metal mx... 'Wash It All Away'
Power drop into the dust @ 2311Z. Still going, but weak in the grass. Very sudden drop. Like an SWR foldback. Wind blow the antenna down?