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Author Topic: Hit Mix Radio 6320 AM 1902 UTC 6/21/16 (via Twente SDR)  (Read 876 times)


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1902- "Shake Rattle and Roll"  S9-9+
1903- "Queen Of The Hop"
1907- "Only You"
1908- Hit Mix Radio ID by OM and said "live 6320"
1913- "Saturday Night At The Movies"
1915- "Pipeline" surf instrumental
1918- very lively OM DJ with shout outs to listeners over the music
1919- "Your Gal Is Red Hot" into "Sixteen Candles"
1922- "Summertime Blues"  
1929- "See You Later Alligator"
1946- "Wake Up Little Suzie"

 Thanks for the oldies but goodies Hit Mix!  8)
« Last Edit: June 21, 2016, 1947 UTC by JoeFLIPS »


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