June 29 heard R. Sakha with extremely weak signal on 7345 at
0938, along with
V26 (Chinese numbers station) on 7345-USB.7295, just like yesterday, abnormally strong signal from R. Sakha,
with QRN (static); one of their favorite times to give a station ID is at
about 50 minutes after the hour; today at 0949 with montage of
different pop songs and clear "Radio Sakha" ID; some ads. Audio
of ID and ads at
https://goo.gl/CbcTGK . 1000 no IS or time pips;
went straight into the news(?).
Rechecked 7295 at 1056, only to find them off the air; no signal at
all and none during subsequent checking till 1112. Whereas 7345
seemed to still be on the air, but only open carrier heard till hit with
CNR1 sign on just before 1101.