6935 USB 2145 Z: occasional bits of very weak music audio, S1-S2 at best.
2149 Z: clarity up a bit now music with YL vocals.
2155 Z: CW ID ?.
2159 Z: Om with Dance Music (heavy beat).
2203 Z: CW !
2204 Z: Signal now S4-S5 with OM Dance Music, La Danse Gig D' Agostino (Shazam).
2209 Z: sounds like CW with Dance Music in background.
2210 Z: Narcotic Gig D' Agostino (Shazam). SINPO: 3,5,3,2,3. Heavy QSB. Moderate QRN.
2213 Z: Drivers Seat Sniff & The Tears. (Nice Tune!).
2218 Z: CW ID "X-2 X-2". Then off!
Excellent condx today 15/17/20m open at 1430 Z and now afternoon Pirates...
Winter DX season is here

. Thank You!