0027z Very weak signal ... able only now to hear some pgm content
Carrier freq determined to be 6926.46 kHz +-10 Hz or so
Two different radios (WR-G303e and 756II) and two different antennas (2' tuned loop and dipole respectively)
Nothing heard/found there before, so, unlikely it's an image or mixing product locally ...
0032z Still present
0042z Still present, still very weak (obscured also by some QRN enough to keep obscured, although at times the signal peaks enough to hear more pgm content)
0051z Still present, some pgm audio heard on and off (bass guitar licks really sem to come thru)
0116z Still present on both rcvrs (but just barely!); signal has trademark characteristics of ionospheric propagation, e.g. fading and peaks ...
0142z Still present, still noted on 2 rcvrs/different ants