« on: April 18, 2017, 1954 UTC »
Hearing what must be the Russian "C" beacon on 13528 this afternoon here in S. Fla. Just barely above the noise. Decided to listen after hearing some Italians on 20 M USB a few minutes ago.
Wasn't able to look at it with Spectran since I am monitoring the NOAA 19 satellite pass right now.
QTH Florida's Treasure Coast, near Stuart 100 mi N of Miami Grid locator EL97uf
Equipment: Kenwood TS-480SAT, R-600, Yaesu FT-857D, R. S. SW portable (Sangean), R.S. Pro-106 Scanner 25-1300 MHz, HyGain 18AVQII, M2 6M 3 el beam, Misc verticals and dipoles