Frequency seems to be 6849.3 kHz or so, but tuning to 6849 kHz or 6850 kHz doesn't cause any reduction in audio quality due to nice strong AM modulation and overall good signal. Some fades.
0113 UTC - Hearing bits and pieces of audio, music and talk (but can't really make anything usable out) at
0114 UTC - lots of sound effects, music playing (too weak to tell what I'm hearing though...)
0114 UTC - edit, I'm definitely hearing Pink Floyd
0115 UTC -
and everything under the sun is tune...but the sun is eclipsed by the moon...0115 UTC - more crazy sound effects, possibly bells ringing, lots of fading at this point. Decent carrier, S6 at peaks, sliding down to S3 during fades
0124 UTC - psychedelic trance style electronic music, some quality some point a carrier appeared at 6850.0 kHz
0125 UTC - carrier on 6849.3 kHz cut out a couple times...possibly technical difficulties? music continues...
0126 UTC - YL talking, electronic music / techno beats playing in background with increasing static noise levels
0128 UTC - Pink Floyd - Speak to Me/Breathe (signal came up noticeably right as this track started...
coincidence? )
0129 UTC - Mystery unmodulated carrier or CW signal on 6850 kHz disappears as 6849.3 keeps going strong
0130 UTC - Pink Floyd - Any Colour You Like
0134 UTC - Pink Floyd - Brain Damage (the intro anyway, then carrier disappeared)
0134 UTC - appears to be off the air