Recycle Radio pirate station
Frequency: 6874.2 kHz - 6.8742 MHz 6.874.2 MHz
Mode: AM
Very nice signal on 6874.2 kHz, strong AM modulation and little noise, especially on the peaks
2004 UTC - ID + email address, Recycle Radio, then back to Steely Dan
2005 UTC - ID + email address S5-S7 signal on peaks, powerful modulation
2008 UTC - deep fade down into the noise, then right back up to previous levels
2010 UTC - ID + email address, very good work on the frequent and clear IDs, Recycle Radio!
2012 UTC - some fading, I think I'm hearing Neil Young [maybe not?]
2022 UTC - Steely Dan - Do It Again (possibly a remix or dance version)