Quick bandscan and list logging, just to see what as coming in this early. All around 2200z.
4774.94 Radio Tarma, presumed to be them due to the frequency, vs Radio Congonhas. Just a carrier.
4805 Radiodif do Amazonas, just a carrier.
4830 Weak carrier from Mongolia. Buried by codan unfortunately. Saw it appear at 2200 when they signed on.
4845 Radio Cultura do Amazonas, weak audio.
4875 Radiodifusora Roraima, weak audio.
4885 Radio Clube do Park, fair audio, also a faint carrier from Echo of Hope.
4949.7 Radio Nacional Angola, fair audio.
5025 Radio Rebelde, usual strong signal.
5040 Radio Habana, again the usual strong signal.
Bonus 90 meter catch:
3320 Radio Sonder Grense, South Africa, really nice signal this evening. SIO 433, maybe 444 at times.