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Author Topic: Perseus SDR freezing up?  (Read 2119 times)

Offline SWVBVA

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Perseus SDR freezing up?
« on: September 02, 2017, 1516 UTC »
Hello All,

Is there anyone out there that owns, or have worked on, a Perseus that knows why they freeze up some times?  Mine will operate for about 5 seconds then freeze.  When I hit the red "X" to close, nothing the first time but my curser doing circles like it is thinking, click it a second time and the window goes opaque with another window of "Not Responding"

Seems to happen if I have had my computer on for a few hours before I turn the radio on.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.   
Eric F.
Virginia Beach VA
Radios: Grundig YB 400, Grundig Satellit 750, Perseus SDR
Antennas: 80' Random Wire

Offline SV1XV

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Re: Perseus SDR freezing up?
« Reply #1 on: September 02, 2017, 1549 UTC »
I had this software freezing problem when I was feeding Perseus from a power supply with the negative pole connected to the station ground.

However I noticed that the freezing did not occur when I was using Perseus' own switching power supply.

Then I built a separate 5V - 3A power supply with floating output and the problem disappeared.

It seems freezing is caused by some type of ground loop through the USB connection.

Offline SWVBVA

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Re: Perseus SDR freezing up?
« Reply #2 on: November 01, 2017, 2200 UTC »
Thank you for the reply!  Not an electronics type.  How does one get a floating output?

Eric F.
Virginia Beach VA
Radios: Grundig YB 400, Grundig Satellit 750, Perseus SDR
Antennas: 80' Random Wire


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