A quick run through the MX Russian single letter beacon freqs this morning:
3594.0 C
3594.1 A
3594.2 F
4557-4558 beacons covered by jammer
5154.1 A
5154.3 K
5154.4 M
5154.8 F Wrong freq? Very raspy, several audio harmonics on 100 Hz steps +/-
7039.1 A
7039.4 M
8495.1 A
8495.4 M
I really need to put up a video of F, K, and M on the lower freqs. Every time I try to correct the Wikipedia entry on Single Letter Beacons to include these someone comes around and claims I can't point to a published source that corroborates their operations on these freqs. When I tell them "sure, but I hear them there" I am told that is not good enough. So I guess I need to "publish" a video and put that to bed.