1940 UTC start 6300 AM country music ,no ID
1959 song by Deutch, 2000 no ID
It is probably BBR as before 6297 - the same climate
S5 - 7 wide modul.
2003 wistle from carrier 6298, BBR go to 6302 ?
2010 6298 dominating - a new station?
2011 6298 Sex Bomb, next C&W - is it BBR?, on 6302 not to audiable modul.
2024 and 2028 yes ID JT Dutch, greatings to Mr Hamin
Japan song, gretings to Jorgen
2040 YL by Russian gypsy song
2045 gretings to NO.FI,SE listners
2046 during skandinavian lang. song 2047 TRX off
THNX Johny
Today is good prop. for EU 3-7MHz