Hello Kris,
We heard a real station around 21UTC.
Helicaster often hears a real signal around 03 UTC, and I heard it too about the same time, but extremely weak here. It appears this is not an image frequency, not an intermod in the receiver, but an intermod in the transmitting station.
I take good note of your problems with an RTL dongle SDR, but that's a quite different thing. So far, I don't use any SDR, and I'm not tempted by a low cost RTL dongle, except maybe to play with its native VHF-UHF ranges.
Anyway, the station at 21 UTC should be split from the station at 03 UTC, and that's what I did, just leaving remarks that they were both on 6270 kHz, if by chance we find something more about them.
BTW, the European station on 6270 was identified by JBK, UKdxer.. as R. Joey on Saturday and as R. Verona (I.E. the same op under two aliases) on Sunday.
Well, maybe we could move the discussion about RTL dongles in the SDR section?