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Author Topic: Retro bring-back, an FM to AM converter! Another Cuthbert Kit.  (Read 3051 times)

Offline ThaDood

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Yeah!!!! I remember those car radio FM to AM radio tuner converters from the 70's and even the early 1980's. Well, here's a portable one.   https://radiojayallen.com/cuthbert-fm-to-am-converter-mkii/    Radio Jay did a miss print there where he typed 15kHz, 14kHz - 16kHz, to really mean 1500kHz and 1400kHz - 1600Khz. (But gee, wouldn't super ELF be a neat kit to modulate? Hi-hi...) Anyway, what would you use this kit for? Most of you have SWL rigs and HF transceivers that do not have the FM BC band. This would be a unique way to add that. Well, sounds fun...
Over the years I have to admit coming up with some no-so good ideas for products. The Skipping Cassette Decks, (In case you missed record skipping.), never took. Water Resistant Lollipops never caught on either, even though you could enjoy those in the rain and in the shower. Then, there's the Anatomically Correct Mrs. Butterworth Syrup Dispenser. (Just guess where the syrup came out of.) Nope, no takers.

Offline pinto vortando

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Re: Retro bring-back, an FM to AM converter! Another Cuthbert Kit.
« Reply #1 on: July 24, 2018, 1932 UTC »
Had a couple of Audiovox FM converters in our cars (mine and the XYL) back in the 70s.  IIRC the output was on 1400kc.  Wish we still had the cars.  8)  Anyway, still have the XYL.   :)
Das Radiobunker somewhere in Michigan

Offline Pigmeat

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Re: Retro bring-back, an FM to AM converter! Another Cuthbert Kit.
« Reply #2 on: July 28, 2018, 0419 UTC »
Anyone remember the first couple of runs of the Pioneer "Super Tuner" in the mid-70's? You couldn't drive near a FM stick w/o blowing the front ends out of those things.

Offline Josh

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Re: Retro bring-back, an FM to AM converter! Another Cuthbert Kit.
« Reply #3 on: July 28, 2018, 1936 UTC »
Lol I had one (supertuner thingy) in a Pinto coupe, with like 16 speakers! Never had an issue with sensitivity as this was in Perry Iowa, no hi powa fms around. I was gonna put a 302 with tunnel ram and dual autolite 4bbl carbs in that Pinto till the rear corner got punched in by a semi in the apt parking lot.
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Offline Pigmeat

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Re: Retro bring-back, an FM to AM converter! Another Cuthbert Kit.
« Reply #4 on: July 29, 2018, 0239 UTC »
The first one I encountered was in a HS buddy's late 50's Cadillac hearse. He had a bunch of intercom speakers he'd salvaged from an old school the county was tearing down in the Caddy. They would rattle that old rustbucket.

We were seniors and only went to school about a half day. The rest of the time we cruised around in that thing, usually along the ridge roads w/ various loose women we knew. He was so pumped when he got that Supertuner. It lasted about a week and a half. One day we were heading out to what was known as "Party Hill" with a couple of girls, jamming to the local free form rock FM station. The road to Party Hill passed about 150 yards from the stick of local classical music station. It overrode the rock station for a couple of seconds, then it went dead with that lovely smell of ozone.

Pioneer sent him a replacement. It went in less than a month for the same reason on a different ridge. That was his last Pioneer product.


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