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Author Topic: UNID 6260.01 AM 2115 UTC 16 February 2019  (Read 2630 times)

Offline KaySeeks

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UNID 6260.01 AM 2115 UTC 16 February 2019
« on: February 16, 2019, 2151 UTC »
Unfamiliar language but sounds African to my ear. Bits of music reminiscent of Africa or the middle east interspersed with conversation. Studio-quality audio production.

TDoA says transmitter location is somewhere in vicinity of Sudan, Eritrea, Ethiopia, etc. Audible on many European SDRs but QRM from "flamethrower" and Link-11.

Time pips for 2200 UTC and missed the ID, if there was one.
« Last Edit: February 16, 2019, 2232 UTC by KaySeeks »
Just somebody with a radio, a computer and a pair of headphones...


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