Good day everyone!
Life/moving/other shenanigans have sadly prevented any “beaconeering” for a while and the QRT of Archer.
Everything has now settled down and I now have some precious free time back!
Everyone can expect a couple feral beacons to come online in the near future.
I’m looking for some input on design features/frequencies for new beacons that aren’t as chirpy as Archer
Possible modes-
Simple “ditter” or “dasher”
Periodic CW Id (like Archer)
Maybe WSPR?
Antenna options-
49:1 EFHW
1/2 wave Dipole
1/4 wave vertical
Are there any specific frequencies y’all would like to see?
I’m leaning toward 4096kHz or 6999kHz
I also have a couple hifer 13560 xtals laying around and a boatload of random xtals that are just itching to be put to use.
Any other feature requests/ideas?
At least one beacon will probably be based on the original Marin ditter since I love the simplicity of no battery/no ICs. Old school, simple and cheap
I may also add a thermistor to vary the dit rate.
I’m looking for input on names for these little guys as well.
May the best name win!!
Anticipated QTH will be somewhere in the Ozarks.
I’ll open it to the group now