2229 UTC "My Bologna"-Weird Al
2232 UTC OM with "You are listening to the Voice of Weird Al...email addy, into "Another One Rides the Bus"Weird Al
2235 UTC OM with ID, email addy, mention of "4090", into "Polka's On 45"-Weird Al
2239 UTC OM with ID, email and mention of QSL, into "Midnight Star"-Weird Al
2244 UTC OM with shoutouts..."a new pirate"....ID, into "Achy Breaky Song"-Weird Al
2248 UTC "The Saga Begins"-Weird Al (American Pie)
2253 UTC "I Love Rocky Road"-Weird Al
2256 UTC OM with "You are listening to the Voice of Weird Al" ID talking over the intro to "Rye or the Kaiser"
2259 UTC Faux ad for "Spatula City"
2300 UTC OM with "You have been listening to the Voice of Weird Al... voiceofweirdal@gmail.com ...thank you everybody for tuning in....one more song and I'm signing off...thank you everybody for posting on HFU....have a good weekend", into "Polka Your Eyes Out"-Weird Al
2305 OM with "OK that's it from the Voice of Weird Al....I will be back another day....good night from the Voice of Weird Al", then OFF
Due to unexpected company, I hit the record button and listened back this morning the 7th! Thanks for the show! One can never get enough Weird Al!