Today I came across
CI7 on 2.308MHz CW transmitting continuous at the rather early hour of 0430z, which is 2.30pm local time in broad afternoon daylight with the Grey Line across the Pacific a long time off. The signal report was 419-519 but clearly audible.
The beacon is still audible at 0830z with a signal of 559 peaking 579 which is quite strong.
CI7 was not alone either with
BH4 on 2.205MHz CW also noted in continuous transmission mode around the same time, similar signal report.
I am around 110kms direct line to nearest coast thus very far from the ocean where these beacons are. Also there is a mountain range inbetween.
Not a bad little effort from two low powered DNB's bobbing about in the Pacific, possibly off the coast of Sydney NSW would be the best bet I think.
Groundwave is probably the answer I think, but would appreciate comments from fellow HFU DXers.