Recently recorded Radio Free Speech show from Bill O. Rights after long hiatus.
6925 AM hybird, definite carrier, clearest on USB, nothing audible on LSB.
0044-0118 UTC: Good intelligibility at first, then faded. Bill O. Rights "interview" with Commander Bunny. "I Got a Black Magic Marker" to tune of "Black Magic Woman". Bill O. Rights, talking about life in Montana, commentary on Constitutional rights and recent violations thereof by Patriot Act, etc. Song parodies ("Ballad of the Green Berets", "Star Spangled Banner", others, mostly unintelligible due to noise and fading). Something about "1966" and Commander Bunny. Several clear ID's, Belfast maildrop for QSL.
SINPO - 34322 for first several minutes, good signal clarity at times, some fading to barely audible. Then weakend to SINPO - 24222, weaker signal, noisier, still good clarity at times.
(N. Central TX)
Audio clip for most of show, only first few minutes are fairly clear: up at 30:38 mark: "Radio Free Speech. I'm Bill O. Rights, and it's nice to be back. Let me remind you as I always have, never, under any circumstances, let the government tell you they're taking your rights away for your own good. This is Radio Free Speech, back after a 10 year absence. I'm Bill O. Rights."