On like note, the HAM repeater traffic I hear is always the same few people who know each other locally, not newcomers or even people driving past the area - however that does happen. I suppose this is to be expected among friends. So, if people don't have anything to say or anyone they actually want to talk to, we might rationally expect more digital modes where pc talks to pc in the future. I like them in the sense I get to see how far away my peanut whistle can be heard, but they're hardly a qso mode.
There is/was a crew who ran 300 baud packet, kb to kb, on 20m who welcomed newcomers. Well, at least there was, dunno if they still play there or not. Packet on hf is neat because it's not supposed to work there but it does. Also on a like (BFSK) note, there are guys who will ragchew on rtty, just gatta catch them.