Really??? Your IC-718 isn't open to 5MHz on TX? That OCD and a tuner would do it. I too use a home brew OCD, with a 1990's 4:1 W2DU current balun. The auto tuners on both the semi-older Kenwoods won't do 60M, (They can't seem to decide to use the 40M, or 75M, settings.), but my MFJ-941D manual tuner goes there very nicely. And, with 60M, you are on par with everyone else, USB, or CW and FT8, at 100W ERP MAX. Well, except for the military, they no doubt run stupid power. And, you'll hear them from time to time, even doing military to amateur radio call-in tests. And, during the day, 60M is a great regional NVIS antenna set-up band. At night, coast to coast is very possible, even to the UK. And, with the band channelized to 5 FREQ's, you know that some douche that's only 2KHz away from you won't be keying up a kW. I enjoy it, and the three rigs that are opened up to TX there do it nicely. I put each of the 5 FREQ's into their own memory channel and alphanumerics, so that there's no mistake in FREQ / channel tune-in. Passing thoughts... 73!!!!!!!