032- Key and Peele substitute teacher sketch. Insubordinate and churlish, A-aron!
034- Music, with sort of scatting over it then singing.
035- Clip of child or woman speaking briefly, then another song starts.
036- "Last Dance for Mary Jane" by Tom Petty.
038- Zeke IDs last song and makes a few comments over music. Then tune continues.
104- "Better Off Without You" by The Clarks.
108- Zeke thanks someone for suggesting The Clarks. Hadn't heard of them before. Liked it! Short show tonight. Heard Nirvana. Pixilation in the audio due to coax (hadn't noticed myself). Can't do any better right now. Doing something new he hadn't heard before.
109- "She Talks to Angels" by The Black Crowes.
114- Silence, then...."Solitaire Unraveling" by Mushroomhead. Industrial/Experimental Metal sound.