Heard via Daejeon , South Korea remote thanks to tip from Ron Howard in CA and XYZ in Japan
They run a 4 hour program loop starting from 00:00utc with English at xx:37 during 1-5-9-13-17 and 21 hours utc. Program is called "Touch! Global Headlines" and is from EBS-FM (
https://home.ebs.co.kr/morning/main). It consists of English followed by a Korean translations.
recorded 7-17-20 starting at 17:29utc. English starts at about 5:00. Recording is in Synch-USB to avoid strong CW on 4888kHz
https://app.box.com/s/v37eqimc4gvk3f72oh4lgl60szigkivuAgain, thanks to Ron Howard and XYZ
btw, English is noted in most recent EiBi update but at different, mostly incorrect (as far as I can tell) times.