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A chilly morning


39.7F for the low, much colder than NWS Sterling's forecast low of 48F.

Sterling needs to read the discuassion from State College.    Sterling says:

However, smoke from wildfires will likely continue to obscure the sky to some extent. Am not sure what effect this will have on temperatures.  The HRRR (which does forecast smoke) does indicate highs could  be a couple degrees cooler compared to some other models.

State College says:

Smoke can filter out shortwave radiation from the sun resulting in cooler days, but is not as effective in absorbing longwave radiation (the smoke particles are too small), so it has less impact on overnight low temps

As the smoke wanders the planet for about a week it causes global cooling.  But don't tell Andrew from the Post about it.  Don't want to interrupt his thought process.

Made it to 68 yesterday (9/16), 53 for the low this morning.

Starting Saturday morning, Sterling has lows in the low to mid 40s here, which means a good chance of 30s. Hopefully no frosts, I'd like my second crop of sunflowers to have a chance


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