« Reply #4 on: May 01, 2021, 0217 UTC »
SIO 333.
Talk in English.
Talking about comrades and the Soviet Union.
Voice of Communism from the USSR. Reading mail. Must be old as Soviet Union no longer exists.
Dragnet parody
Ballad of Jed Clampett..talking about Americans.
Magilla Gorilla Theme.
Addams Family Theme.
Talking about the American family and life.
My Three Sons Theme....all parady skits
Communism is a a way of life Appoligy to Americans.
Dick Van Dyke Theme.
I dream of Genie talk. And theme
Ricky Ricardo Program
Batman 66 Theme music.
Perry Mason Theme
« Last Edit: May 01, 2021, 0234 UTC by KMD3HR »
Registered Monitoring Station KMD3HR
Longtime SWLer
Somewhere in the South
Kenwood R-1000, Tecsun PL- 660, Heathkit SB 104, RDL-SDR, Various Trunked Scanners, Various 2, 6, 10 and 40 meter transcievers Long wires, dipoles, hamsticks
Please eQSL to danmeush@gmail.com
Thank you!
Pirate Radio Rocks