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Author Topic: UNID, Classic tunage 1620Khz, 01:10UTC - 01:29UTC. 8/27/2021  (Read 877 times)

Offline ThaDood

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Surprised to hear over the Cuban 1620 this station, while on the road, with Styx - The Best Of Times, Julian Lennon - Time To Say Goodbye, Love Train - (I'm brain farting on the artist.), no announcements, no ID's. Audio quality seemed to be EQ'ed in the mid-range, but was very clear. (Could be a clue that it was done from an amateur transceiver.) Also noticed that the tracks were not that tight from song to song. Station was gone at 05:17UTC on drive home. Only heard Cuba dominating then. This was an interesting catch in the truck, for sure.
Recently, a co-worker quizzed me on, "What would happen if you were to apply reverse polarity to the Energizer Bunny?". Having no idea, I asked, "What would happen?". The answer is he'd keep coming and coming and coming...


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