1941z DJ DW S7 signal
1945z RFW ID
1949z DJ DW, S9 signal
2003z audio overdriven on this one. Signal strength still great, S9
2009z ID
2016z DJ DW S7 signal
2030z DJ DW
2045z DJ DW S9, warming the bunker on a dark, gloomy day
2054z Caller on the line, hilarious!
2058z Caller 2, calling about DJ DW's extended car warranty.
2110z Caller 3
2115z Caller 4 Psycho! Signal has been solid since beginning of broadcast.
2121z - Mama - Medicine
2140z - Green Day cover, audio distorted again
2142z - Caller 5
2151z - one more song until the internet stream runs out
2154z - DJ DW with end of show. Great show, killer signal the whole time!