Hello all, and Seasons Greetings,
Heard what is very possibly the V22 Chinese numbers station (might also be V25 I suppose) on 19260 kHz, USB, Dec 25, 2012, at 0211 and 0235 UTC. nickcarr heard it first and called it out in the #wunclub chat. I could only hear it via a remote located in Japan, there was no sign of it here locally.
Both V22 and V25 (and V16) are numbers stations using a YL (female) voice, in Chinese, repeating numbers or a message (depending on if it is a null or a real message).
The 0211 UTC transmission appears to have been a repeat of one that started right after 0200 UTC. I heard part of the 0200 UTC transmission but my recording of that one did not come out, too many knobs and I had the wrong record volume turned up. When the signal came back up at 0210 I did get a recording of it. It sounds essentially identical to the V22 example on the Numbers and Oddities web site. This appears to be a null message.
At 0235 UTC I heard another transmission on the same frequency. It apparently started before I heard it (possibly about 0230z) and I missed the callup, my recording starts in the message. The format was 4F R2 (4 figure groups, each repeated twice). This sounds to me like V25.
Recordings here:
http://erick_cartman.home.mchsi.com/Poss_V22_19260_U_12252012_0210_rem.mp3http://erick_cartman.home.mchsi.com/Poss_V22_19260_U_12252012_0235_rem.mp3I will be changing the recording locations later, will be moving them to YouTube as that is where I am keeping most of my recordings for public access over the long haul. More people seem to have access to that than some of the other options. When I get the video made I will add it to this post.
As I said, the 0211 UTC message sounded like the V22 example on Numbers and Oddities. But, in my opinion, the 0235 UTC sounded like the description of V25 in the ECL. I have to wonder if they are not the same station, or at least similar.