2353 UTC Unid hard rock song, then silent pause
2354 UTC Rock song OM singer (Maybe Lemmy?)
(Signal is barely moving the S-meter...very light fades and nice sounding USB)
2357 UTC Silent pause
2358 UTC Scottie 2 SSTV
0000 UTC Unid rock song
0004 UTC Silent pause
0005 UTC Unid rock song OM singer...nice lead guitar!)
0009 UTC Scottie 2 SSTV
0011 UTC Bluesy song OM singer with nice lead guitar
(S3 peaks now amidst weak storm static)
0016 UTC Silent pause
0017 UTC Unid rock song OM singer
Got it! The cover of "Recycler"-ZZ Top! Part of the cover.
Thanks for the entertainment!
Here's my recording: