« on: January 03, 2013, 1341 UTC »
Excellent reception this AM from Pyongyang English service in absence of usual HUGE signal from Maine WBCQ on 9330. S8-S9 here. WBCQ gone from 9330...WHY? I'd rather hear North Korea than gospel "huxters" as Glenn Hauser calls them. Pyongyang does wear thin after a while though. parallel 7570 and 11710 not heard at all(weak hets on frequencies).
« Last Edit: January 03, 2013, 1348 UTC by glimmer twin »
KCMO Icom R 75 , SDR-IQ, Grundig Satellit 750 ,Tecsun PL 880, Tecsun PL660 , Tecsun PL380 & PL360 10 meter random wire w/ RF systems MLB Alpha Delta SWL DX sloper
qsl keithglimmer810@gmail.com
gentlemen,you can not fight in here, this is the war room