Loggings > Peskies

UNID 7055 LSB 2254 UTC 24 Apr 2022 maybe Russian?


I think this is proper section for this. I'm pretty new to radio stuff, but this didn't sound like normal ham-radio style to me.

By the sound of it, multiple stations having some kind of shouting match? at times repeating some phrase over and over. There were also some short music fragments, but I'm not sure if I caught any of those in the recording. The language sounds kinda russian-ish to me, but I'm honestly not very sure of that. Some of words I think I recognized include 'America' 'Russia' and 'Lukashenko'.

I encountered this in the 'middle' so I don't know the real start time (and it took me some minutes to set up recording). Transmission also continued after the recording, but I don't think for how long.

Recording of part of the transmission from SDR at Finland:

Before beginning to read your post I first listened to the link of recording & immediately thought Russian Language.
Unfortunately not my 2nd. language...(well, I have no 2nd. language) Sounded more like a conniption fit...in Russian, of course.  :o

This is the radio war between Russian and Ukrainian hams and pirates insulting each other, that started after the occupation of Crimea some years ago. It's running nearly 24/7.



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