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The Enigma designator for the Mazielka series is X06.

Mazielka is thought to be a selcall system used by the Russian MFA to alert out-stations, in advance of forthcoming messages to be sent in Crowd 36 or similar.

Up to 99% of these signals are sent out at random times on up to 350 different frequencies. These signals take the form of a repeated series of 6 tones (at 840,870,900,930,970,1015 hertz) sent in 2 seconds, and in any sequence of 1-6, producing 720 variants.

These signals are largely transmitted in AM but are, generally, easier to receive in USB. Each transmission usually lasts for around 4/5 minutes. Apart from the 720 variants there are other Mazielka tone combinations of simple 2, 3 4 and 5 tones which you may hear and, of course, the frequency list covers only those frequencies where we have already logged signals.

You can expect to find Mazielka signals all the way from around 4 MHz up to 25 MHz but their random nature makes them difficult to pinpoint.

Identifying a Mazielka signal is simply a matter of reading the tones in order. For example 840 Hz (lowest tone) is designated as "1", 870 Hz as "2", 900 Hz as "3", 930 Hz as" 4", 970 Hz as "5" and 1015 Hz (the highest) as "6".

A sound file of 164532 can be found at File:164532.mp3 and a Spectral Image is available to the right on this page.

X06 signals are widely heard in Europe and the Mediterranean area, and also regularly reach Argentina and occasionally Australia.

X06 Frequency List (MHz):

4.765 4.912 4.963

5.272 5.760 5.772 5.798 5.815 5.818 5.820 5.831 5.838 5.847 5.865 5.932

6.777 6.780 6.800 6.818 6.842 6.850 6.870 6.882 6.883 6.893 6.911 6.915 6.932 6.938 6.958 6.959 6.960 6.962 6.970

7.411 7.490 7.516 7.527 7.532 7.545 7.550 7.563 7.604 7.634 7.680 7.734 7.819 7.820 7.822 7.833 7.862 7.870 7.975 7.988

8.005 8.041 8.045 8.059 8.062 8.078 8.081 8.083 8.100 8.105 8.109 8.123 8.131 8.141 8.147 8.169 8.175 8.179 8.180 8.300

9.053 9.061 9.065 9.067 9.076 9.077 9.105 9.106 9.130 9.145 9.160 9.174 9.179 9.197 9.215 9.235 9.240 9.253 9.288 9.300 9.301 9.303 9.304 9.320 9.330 9.333 9.351 9.365 9.388 9.450 9.923 9.930

10.116 10.127 10.153 10.161 10.165 10.172 10.193 10.196 10.200 10.202 10.205 10.214 10.218 10.236 10.240 10.270 10.275 10.283 10.300 10.335 10.372 10.374 10.380 10.453 10.474 10.477 10.517 10.519 10.535 10.536 10.575 10.592 10.601 10.653 10.684 10.712 10.714 10.730 10.731 10.748 10.814 10.815 10.860 10.862 10.915 10.957

11.025 11.067 11.075 11.093 11.115 11.125 11.153 11.411 11.412 11.413 11.424 11.438 11.440 11.450 11.462 11.472 11.483 11.501 11.515 11.525 11.537 11.538 11.545 11.556 11.570 11.572 11.574 11.638

12.089 12.090 12.091 12.100 12.109 12.110 12.114 12.117 12.118 12.120 12.122 12.123 12.126 12.134 12.149 12.150 12.152 12.157 12.158 12.167 12.168 12.174 12.177 12.178 12.186 12.194 12.195 12.199 12.200 12.201 12.207 12.213 12.215 12.218 12.219 12.220 12.224 12.225 12.300 12.320 12.338 12.356 12.420 12.431 12.500 12.872

13.000 13.200 13.369 13.393 13.395 13.401 13.419 13.420 13.423 13.425 13.427 13.448 13.450 13.457 13.465 13.488 13.493 13.505 13.506 13.510 13.517 13.518 13.525 13.542 13.678 13.842 13.854 13.872 13.933 13.940 13.961 13.985

14.000 14.208 14.377 14.391 14.392 14.414 14.419 14.446 14.476 14.488 14.501 14.547 14.550 14.560 14.563 14.570 14.630 14.635 14.650 14.655 14.675 14.720 14.765 14.812 14.820 14.824 14.825 14.845 14.860 14.861 14.863 14.865 14.871 14.942 14.944 14.950 14.970

15.687 15.819 15.822 15.828 15.836 15.858 15.870 15.878 15.973

16.001 16.024 16.025 16.045 16.115 16.116 16.117 16.118 16.132 16.153 16.165 16.200 16.223 16.225 16.251 16.257 16.276 16.277 16.314 16.317 16.320 16.348 16.352

17.414 17.421 17.430 17.432 17.463 17.511

18.204 18.206 18.245 18.321 18.346 18.349 18.350 18.523 18.538 18.752 18.920

19.522 19.611

20.437 20.605 20.813


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