From HFUnderground
Scandinavian Weekend Radio eQSL
Scandinavian Weekend Radio is a legal hobby station from Finland. It broadcasts on the first Saturday of every month as well as Christmas day. Broadcasts begin at midnight in Finland (2100 UTC on Friday) and last for 24 hours. Each hour is dedicated to a different program. The station has 11 DJ's, most with their own program on the station. Frequencies used are: 1602 kHz MW, 94.9 FM, 6170 kHz SW, 11690 SW (2100 UTC to 1500 UTC & 2000 UTC to 2100 UTC), and 11720 SW (1500 UTC to 2000 UTC). All frequencies are low power. 1602 kHz and 6170 kHz often suffer interference from other stations. Most of the music aired on the station is rock music but some programs air other genres. Its first broadcast was in July 2000. It is the only shortwave station from Finland. It offers an eQSL for reception reports sent through email and a QSL card for reception reports sent through the mail.
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