Dead Cat Radio
From HFUnderground
Dead Cat Radio was a shortwave pirate station that was active for a very brief period in the mid-00s. It was unusual in that no program material was ever received; only the ID was heard, specifically by the legendary George Zeller. The ID consisted of a cat meowing, followed by the sound of a car skidding out of control, and subsequently crashing.
The cat came back
Update: During the summer of 2008 Dead Cat Radio returned to 6925 kHz USB with feline oriented themes, including readings from The Man-Eaters of Tsavo, cartoon theme songs and SSTV images from Felix the Cat and Top Cat, and a smarmy blend of pop music that belies an unnatural preoccupation with the Go-Go's. Signature male and female voice ID's, "meow" sounds, Elmer Fudd singing "Kill da wabbit!" to the tune of Wagner's "Ride of the Valkyries". The operator of Dead Cat Radio is rumored to have balls of steel .
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