Chris, this is the mystery pulsed signal that showed up last year and again a month ago.
It hits 4 freqs through the day, 7735, 8050, 12105, and 16110. It comes up at about 29 minutes after the hour and goes off at the top of the hour plus about 8 seconds.
Right now, a rough sched (not complete so not 100% correct, still working on it):
0000 – 0200 7735 kHz
0200 – 0800 8050 kHz
0800 – 1400 12105 kHz
1400 – 2000 16110 kHz
2000 – 2200 Off?
2200 – 0000 7735 kHz
In the past it has used a 10 to 30 millisec pulse 10 times per second. Tonight I see it is using a 50 millisec pulse 10 times per second.